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TS Series

TD Series

TSI Series

I Series

NP Series

TN Series

TNI Series

TSA Series

Double-Scissor Lift

Lift Table 11 x 2 m

Mold Rotator

Tandem Deck

Traveling Lift

Tandem 35 Tons



Our Instalations




Similar to our TS model, this lift includes a tilting accessory for loading.  When for the sake of safety lifting and tilting operations cannot be executed simultaneously, this model is very useful, such as to pour loads from one container into another.


All you need to do is push a button to activate the hydraulic power pistons. It is also equipped with accessories that allow safe dumping safely.


These models are manufactured to work with loads from 500 Kg. up to 5000 Kg. and may be customized to tilt 45, 60 and 90 degrees. 











cms (A)


cms (L)


cms (B)


cms (C)



HP Weight


TSI-500-120-45º   500 120 120 120 55 65 1 266
TSI-500-120-60º   500 120 120 120 55 65 1 266
TSI-500-120-90º   500 120 120 120 55 65 1 266
TSI-1000-120-45º   1000 120 120 120 55 65 1 266
TSI-1000-120-60º   1000 120 120 120 55 65 1 266
TSI-1000-120-90º   1000 120 120 120 55 65 1 266
TSI-2000-120-45º   2000 120 120 120 60 60 2 232
TSI-2000-120-60º   2000 120 120 120 60 60 2 232
TSI-2000-120-90º   2000 120 120 120 60 60 2 232
TSI-3000-120-45º * 3000 120 120 120 60 60 3 350
TSI-3000-120-60º * 3000 120 120 120 60 60 3 350
TSI-3000-120-90º * 3000 120 120 120 60 60 3 350
TSI-4000-120-45º * 4000 120 120 120 60 60 3 365
TSI-4000-120-60º * 4000 120 120 120 60 60 3 365
TSI-4000-120-90º * 4000 120 120 120 60 60 3 365
TSI-5000-120-45º * 5000 120 120 120 60 60 5 385
TSI-5000-120-60º * 5000 120 120 120 60 60 5 385
TSI-5000-120-90º * 5000 120 120 120 60 60 5 385
TSI-500-150-45º * 500 150 150 150 55 95 1 315
TSI-500-150-60º * 500 150 150 150 55 95 1 315
TSI-500-150-90º * 500 150 150 150 55 95 1 315
TSI-1000-150-45º * 1000 150 150 150 55 95 1 355
TSI-1000-150-60º * 1000 150 150 150 55 95 1 355
TSI-1000-150-90º * 1000 150 150 150 55 95 1 355
TSI-2000-150-45º * 2000 150 150 150 60 90 2 375
TSI-2000-150-60º * 2000 150 150 150 60 90 2 375
TSI-2000-150-90º * 2000 150 150 150 60 90 2 375
TSI-3000-150-45º * 3000 150 150 150 60 90 3 425
TSI-3000-150-60º * 3000 150 150 150 60 90 3 425
TSI-3000-150-90º * 3000 150 150 150 60 90 3 425
TSI-4000-150-45º * 4000 150 150 150 60 90 3 515
TSI-4000-150-60º * 4000 150 150 150 60 90 3 515
TSI-4000-150-90º * 4000 150 150 150 60 90 3 515
TSI-5000-150-45º * 5000 150 150 150 60 90 5 525
TSI-5000-150-60º * 5000 150 150 150 60 90 5 525
TSI-5000-150-90º * 5000 150 150 150 60 90 5 525







































































* External Power Unit